Who is a Transfer Student?
Transfer students who have attended a college or university prior to attending Williams College
Who is a SwALE?
A SwALE is a Student with Advanced Life Experience. A SwALE is a student who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- A student of 24 years of age or older at the time of matriculation
- A student who has a legal spouse/partner in full-time residence with them while attending Williams College
- A student who has legal custody of a child in full-time residence with them while attending Williams College
Requesting Transfer/SwALE Housing
After enrollment in the College, Residential Life & Housing will reach out to talk one-on-one about what campus housing is available and what options may be best suited for your experiences.
Transfer students who do not meet any of the definitions of SwALE students will live in one of the many upper-class housing locations.
SwALE students have the following housing options:
- Upper-class housing locations
- College provided off-campus housing that offers apartment-style living
- A release to live in independent off-campus housing
A transfer or SwALE student who believes they have a significant diagnosis, condition, or situation that cannot be addressed via the regular housing processes or programs or within College policies may request a Housing Accommodation. More information can be found here.